8bit drummer name
8bit drummer name

8bit drummer name

8-Bit must place his booster down to boost his damage and Byron’s healing, and Byron heals 8-Bit while 8-Bit deals damage to the IKE, especially with his Extra Credits Gadget. This can also lead to devastating results in Siege if 8-Bit and Byron can remain concealed up to the corners closest to the enemy IKE.

  • Byron can use his healing abilities to further justify 8-Bit's already high health at a range, and 8-Bit's Super can boost Byron's healing, so they have a great synergy together.
  • 8bit drummer name

    You may also use it in Special Events to deal extra damage to the Bosses in each event, but note that mobility is very important in Super City Rampage and might justify the usage of Cheat Cartridge. Use it on modes with stationary targets like Heist and Siege, with it dealing devastating damage to these above examples.

  • 8-Bit's Extra Credits Gadget combined with his Super would deal enough damage to eliminate almost all Brawlers in-game without losing ammo, but it can be easily avoided.
  • It can also be used to escape enemies by teleporting away if you're low on health or if you’re being cornered.
  • 8-Bit's Cheat Cartridge Gadget can be used to rush and surprise an enemy by throwing his booster over the wall towards the enemy before teleporting to attack them with increased damage, since he normally can’t rush an enemy due to his very slow movement speed.
  • Though, Boosted Booster is preferred in Robo Rumble, Boss Fight, and Super City Rampage, where speed is less beneficial. It can also be very useful to control, retreat, and reach a target in most 3v3 modes and special events. This can be compensated with his Plugged In Star Power or other speed boosts, as 8-Bit can fight the fast and long-ranged Brawlers with ease that he’s usually prone to in Showdown. So dealing damage behind cover or from afar is recommended as the enemies won’t be able to hit him as easily.

    8bit drummer name

  • Due to 8-Bit's slow movement speed, dodging projectiles from other sharpshooters like Colt or throwers like Barley is difficult.
  • Also, note that this should be a last-resort action, as he depends on his booster quite a lot. Keep in mind, this won’t be effective against Penny, Jessie, Surge, Belle, or any other Brawler with mechanics that can deal damage to multiple enemies, as their projectiles won’t be fully blocked.
  • If you are low on health and someone is chasing you, you can place your booster down to tank some shots so you can escape more easily.
  • However, be cautious of airborne Brawlers like El Primo and Edgar who are also fast and can close the distance with their jumps and easily defeat 8-Bit at close range.

    8bit drummer name

    Additionally, you can also escape by using your Cheat Cartridge Gadget to teleport back to your booster and far away from enemies. 8-Bit has one of the longest ranges in the game to compensate for his slow movement, so keep your distance from enemy Brawlers and out-range them, and if an enemy is chasing you, deal as much damage as you can to them from a distance to force enemy retreat. At the start of Showdown matches, focus first in defeating these Brawlers at a distance before they get closer and can deal higher damage.

  • 8-Bit’s is very vulnerable to fast Brawlers such as Crow and Leon.
  • In Bounty, Showdown, Knockout, Special Events, and speed-based events such as Brawl Ball, his slow movement speed hinders his survivability, but his high health, long range, and high damage output compensates for that, making him still viable in these modes. However, he is most viable in Heist, Gem Grab, Hot Zone, and Siege due to his high damage output and area control capabilities.
  • Other than his very slow movement speed, 8-Bit has all that one would require from a Brawler - high health and a high damage output, long range, a reasonable reload speed, area control, and even some support abilities, so he functions well in most game modes.
  • If your Super is taken down, focus on charging up a second Super and pushing back enemies. His Super can control a large area and can easily allow you and allies to deal large amounts of damage to enemies.
  • The most important thing to do when playing as 8-Bit is to charge and activate his Super.
  • This Star Power has a delay before taking effect. The area of effect from this Star Power covers the damage boost area of effect, so staying inside his Damage Booster’s range boosts both his speed and damage output. When 8-Bit is within 7 tiles of his Damage Booster, his movement speed is increased from 580 points to 720 points.

    8bit drummer name